Subscription Type Organized Tour Terms and Conditions

Subscription Type Organized Tour Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1: General Provisions

(Scope of Application) Article 1

  1. The contract concerning a subscription type organized tour for which the Company enters into with a traveler (hereinafter referred to as “Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract”) shall be in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Matters not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be in accordance with laws and regulations or generally established customs.
  2. If the Company enters into a special agreement in writing that is not contrary to laws and regulations and does not adversely affect the traveler, said special agreement shall prevail notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Section.
(Definition of Terms) Article 2

  1. The term “Subscription Type Organized Tour” as used in these Terms and Conditions shall mean a tour for which the Company has prepared, in advance, a travel plan for the purpose of soliciting travelers, which specifies the destination and itinerary of the tour, the details of transportation or accommodation services to be provided to the travelers, and the amount of the Tour Fee to be paid by the travelers to the Company, and which is implemented in accordance with such plan.
  2. In these Terms and Conditions, “Domestic Travel” means a travel within Japan only, and “Overseas Travel” means travel other than Domestic Travel.
  3. The term “Correspondence Contract” as used in this portion means a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract concluded with a cardholder of a credit card company with which the Company, or a company selling Subscription Type Organized Tour on behalf of the Company, is in partnership (hereinafter referred to as “Partner Company”) upon application by telephone, mail, facsimile, internet or other means of communication, whereby the traveler agrees in advance that the Company will settle the claims or obligations pertaining to the Tour Fee, etc. based on the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract that the Company has with the traveler in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card of the Partner Company specified separately after the date on which said claims or obligations are to be performed, and that the traveler pays the Tour Fee, etc. by the method provided for in said Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract as specified in Article 12, Section 2, the second sentence of Article 16, Section 1, and Article 19, Section 2.
  4. “Card Usage Date” as used in these Terms and Conditions means the date on which the traveler or the Company is to perform payment or refund obligations for the Tour Fee, etc. under the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract.
(Content of the Contract) Article 3
In a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the Company shall arrange and manage the itinerary so that the traveler may receive transportation, accommodation, and other travel-related services (hereinafter referred to as the “Tour Services”) provided by transportation and accommodation agencies, etc., in accordance with the itinerary specified by the Company.
(Arrangement Agent) Article 4
In executing the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the Company may have another travel agency, a person engaged in making arrangements as a professional or other assistant, in or outside Japan, make all or part of the arrangements on behalf of the Company.

Chapter 2: Conclusion of a Contract

(Application for a Contract) Article 5

  1. A traveler who wishes to make an application for a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract with the Company shall fill in the prescribed sections on the application form (hereinafter referred to as the “Application Form”) prescribed by the Company and submit it to the Company together with an application fee, with the amount of said fee to be separately determined by the Company.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Section, a traveler who intends to apply for a Correspondence Contract with the Company shall notify the Company of the name of the Subscription Type Organized Tour, the tour commencement date, membership number and other matters (hereinafter referred to as the “Membership Number, etc.” in the following articles) for which he/she is applying.
  3. The application fee in Section 1 shall be considered as a part of the Tour Fee, cancellation fee or penalty fee.
  4. Travelers who require special consideration for participation in a Subscription Type Organized Tour should notify the Company at the time of application. In this case, the Company will comply with the request to the fullest extent possible.
  5. Any costs required for special measures taken by the Company for the traveler based on the request in the preceding Section shall be borne by the traveler.
(Reservations by Telephone, etc.) Article 6

  1. The Company accepts reservations for Subscription Type Organized Tour Contracts by telephone, mail, facsimile, Internet or other means of communication. In this case, the contract is not concluded at the time of reservation, and the traveler must submit the Application Form and application fee to the Company or notify the Company of his/her Membership Number, etc. as specified in Section 1 or Section 2 of the preceding Article within the period specified by the Company after the Company notifies the traveler that the reservation has been accepted.
  2. When the Application Form and application fee have been submitted or the Membership Number, etc. details have been submitted in accordance with the preceding Section, the order of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract shall be in accordance with the order of acceptance of said application.
  3. If the traveler does not submit application fee or notify the Company of his/her Membership Number, etc. within the period specified in Section 1, the Company shall treat the reservation as not having been made.
(Refusal to Conclude a Contract) Article 7
The Company may refuse to conclude a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract in the following cases:

  • (1) The applicant does not meet the gender, age, qualifications, skills/experience, or other conditions as specified in advance by the Company.
  • (2) When the tour reaches the planned number of applicants.
  • (3) When a traveler is deemed likely to cause inconvenience to other travelers or interfere with the smooth implementation of group activities.
  • (4) When the Company intends to conclude a Correspondence Contract and the traveler is unable to settle all or part of the obligations pertaining to the Tour Fee, etc. in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card of the Partner Company, for example when the credit card held by the traveler is invalid.
  • (5) When the traveler is deemed to be a member of an organized crime group, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a person related to organized crime, involved with a company related to organized crime, an extortionist or any other form of anti-social organization.
  • (6) When the traveler makes violent or unreasonable demands, uses threatening language or violence in connection with transactions, or commits any other similar act against the Company.
  • (7) When the traveler spreads false rumors, uses deception or force to damage the Company’s credibility or obstruct the Company’s business activities, or commits any other similar act.
  • (8) When the Company has business reasons to do so.
(Formation of a Contract: Timing) Article 8

  1. The Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract shall be concluded when the Company accepts the conclusion of the contract and receives the application fee as specified in Article 5, Section 1.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Section, a Correspondence Contract shall be deemed to be concluded when the Company’s notice of acceptance of the conclusion of the contract reaches the traveler.
(Delivery of Contract Document) Article 9

  1. Promptly after the conclusion of the contract stipulated in the preceding Article, the Company shall deliver to the traveler a document (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Document”) describing the tour itinerary, contents of the Tour Services, the Tour Fee and other tour conditions, and the Company’s responsibilities.
  2. The scope of the Tour Services that the Company is obligated to arrange and manage the itinerary under the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract shall be as set forth in the Contract Document set forth in the preceding Section.
(Finalized Document) Article 10

  1. If the Contract Document set forth in Section 1 of the preceding Article does not describe the confirmed itinerary and the names of transportation and accommodation agencies, the Company shall, in said Contract Document, list the names of the accommodation agencies to be used and the transportation agencies that are important for indication in a limited manner and shall, after the delivery of the said document, deliver a document stating the finalized status of the tour (hereinafter referred to as the “Finalized Document”) by the date specified in said document up to the day before the tour commencement date (or, if the application for the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract is made on or after the seventh day counting backward from the day before the tour commencement date, on or before the date specified in said document).
  2. In the case of the preceding Section, if the Company receives an inquiry from a traveler who wishes to confirm the status of arrangements, the Company shall promptly and appropriately respond to said inquiry prior to the delivery of the Finalized Document.
  3. In the event that the Company delivers the Finalized Document set forth in Section 1, the scope of the Tour Services for which the Company is obligated to arrange and manage the itinerary pursuant to Section 2 of the preceding Article shall be specified in said Finalized Document.
(Methods of Using Information and Communication Technology) Article 11

  1. With the prior consent of the traveler, in lieu of delivering a document, the Contract Document or the Finalized Document describing the itinerary, contents of the Tour Services, Tour Fee and other tour conditions and the Company’s responsibilities to the traveler at the time of concluding the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the Company may, by using information and communications technology, provide the traveler with the information required to be described in said document (hereinafter in this Article referred to as the “Stated Matters”). The Company shall confirm that the Stated Matters have been recorded in a file in the communication equipment used by the traveler.
  2. In the case of the preceding Section, if the communications equipment used by the traveler is not equipped with a file for recording the Stated Matters, the Company shall record the Stated Matters in a file provided in communications equipment as used by the Company (which shall be exclusively used by the traveler) and confirm that the traveler has reviewed the Stated Matters in said file.
(Tour Fees) Article 12

  1. The traveler must pay the Tour Fee to the Company in the amount stated in the Contract Document by the date stated in said document prior to the tour commencement date.
  2. When the Company concludes a Correspondence Contract, the Company may accept payment of the Tour Fee in the amount stated in the Contract Document without the traveler’s signature on the prescribed slip as used by the credit card of the Partner Company. The Card Usage Date shall be the date the tour contract is concluded.

Chapter 3: Changes to the Contract

(Changes to the Contract) Article 13
In the event of a natural disaster, war, riot, suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., orders by government authorities, provision of transportation services not in accordance with the original operation plan, or other reasons beyond the control of the Company, should the Company be compelled to do so in order to ensure the safe and smooth implementation of the tour, the Company may change the itinerary, contents of Tour Services, and other details of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contents of the Contract”) as well as promptly informing the traveler in advance of such reasons, explaining why said causes are beyond its control and its causal relation. However, in case of emergency, if it is unavoidable, the Company will provide an explanation after said changes have been made.
(Changes to the Amount of the Tour Fee) Article 14

  1. In the event that, due to significant changes in economic conditions, etc., the fares and charges applicable to the transportation agencies used for the tour (hereinafter referred to as “Applicable Fares and Charges” in this Article) are increased or decreased to a degree substantially beyond what would normally be expected, compared to the Applicable Fares and Charges in effect at the time when they were publicly announced at the time of the invitation for the Subscription Type Organized Tour, the Company may, in line with the extent of any such increase or decrease, increase or decrease the amount of the Tour Fee.
  2. In the event that the Company increases the Tour Fee pursuant to the preceding Section, the Company shall notify the traveler of such increase no later than the 15th day counting backward from the day before the tour commencement date.
  3. If the Company reduces the Applicable Fares and Charges as provided for in Section 1, the Company shall reduce the Tour Fee by the amount of such reduction as provided for in the same Section.
  4. In the event that a change in the Contents of the Contract pursuant to the preceding Article causes a decrease or increase in the expenses required for the implementation of the tour (including cancellation fees, penalty fees and other expenses already paid or to be paid for Tour Services not provided due to such change in the Contents of the Contract) (except when the increase in expenses is due to a shortage of seats, rooms or other facilities of the transportation or accommodation agency, etc., even though the transportation or accommodation agency, etc., is providing the relevant Tour Services), the Company may change the amount of the Tour Fee to the extent of such increase or decrease at the time of said change in the Contents of the Contract.
  5. In the event that the Company has stated in the Contract Document that the Tour Fee varies depending on the number of persons using transportation and accommodation agencies, etc., if the number of persons using such agencies changes due to reasons not attributable to the Company after the conclusion of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the amount of the Tour Fee may be changed as stated in the Contract Document.
(Replacing Travelers) Article 15

  1. A traveler who has concluded a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract with the Company may assign his/her contractual position to a third party with the Company’s consent.
  2. When a traveler wishes to request the Company’s approval as stipulated in the preceding Section, he/she shall fill in the designated items on the prescribed form of the Company and submit it to the Company together with the specified fee.
  3. The assignment of the contractual status in Section 1 shall become effective upon the Company’s approval, and thereafter, the third party to whom the traveler’s status under the tour contract is assigned shall succeed to all rights and obligations of the traveler with respect to said Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract.

Chapter 4: Cancellation of the Contract

(Right of Cancellation: The Traveler) Article 16

  1. The traveler may cancel the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract at any time by paying the cancellation fee to the Company as set forth in Appended Table 1. When a Correspondence Contract is cancelled, the Company can accept payment of the cancellation fee without the traveler’s signature on a prescribed slip as used by the credit card of the Partner Company.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Section, the traveler may cancel the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract without paying the cancellation fee prior to the commencement of the tour in the following cases:
    • (1) When the Contents of the Contract have been changed by the Company. However, said changes are limited to those listed in the Appended Table 2 as important changes.
    • (2) When the Tour Fee has been increased in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, Section 1.
    • (3) In the event of a natural disaster, war, riot, suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., orders by government authorities, or other reasons that make or are extremely likely to make it impossible for the tour to be conducted safely and smoothly.
    • (4) When the Company has not delivered to the traveler the Finalized Document by the date set forth in Article 10, Section 1.
    • (5) When it becomes impossible for the Company to implement the tour in accordance with the tour itinerary described in the Contract Document due to reasons attributable to the Company.
  3. If, after the commencement of the tour, the traveler is unable to receive the Tour Services described in the Contract Document due to reasons not attributable to the traveler, or if the Company has informed the traveler to that effect, the traveler may cancel the contract for the portion of the Tour Services that the traveler is unable to receive without paying a cancellation fee, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1.
  4. In the case of the preceding Section, the Company shall refund to the traveler the amount of the Tour Fee for the portion of the Tour Services that the traveler is no longer able to receive. However, if the case in the preceding Section is not due to reasons attributable to the Company, the Company shall refund to the traveler the amount obtained by deducting from said amount the amount pertaining to cancellation fees, penalty fees and other expenses already paid or to be paid for said Tour Services.
(Rights of Cancellation: The Company – Cancellation Prior to the Commencement of the Tour) Article 17

  1. In the following cases, the Company may cancel the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract prior to the commencement of the tour by explaining the reason to the traveler:
    • (1) When it is found that the traveler does not meet the gender, age, qualifications, skills/experience, or other conditions as specified in advance by the Company.
    • (2) When the traveler is deemed to be unable to undertake said tour due to illness, absence of necessary caregivers, or other reasons.
    • (3) When the traveler is deemed likely to cause inconvenience to other travelers or interfere with the smooth implementation of a group tour.
    • (4) When the traveler demands a burden exceeding a reasonable extent in relation to the Contents of the Contract.
    • (5) When the number of travelers does not reach the minimum number specified in the Contract Document.
    • (6) When there is a significant risk that the necessary snowfall or other conditions of the tour for the purpose of skiing, which were specified at the time of conclusion of the contract, will not be fulfilled.
    • (7) In the event of natural disaster, war, riot, suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., orders by government authorities, or other reasons beyond the Company’s control that make or are extremely likely to make it impossible for the tour to be conducted safely and smoothly in accordance with the itinerary described in the Contract Document.
    • (8) When the Company concludes a Correspondence Contract and the traveler is unable to settle all or part of the obligations pertaining to the Tour Fee, etc. in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card of the Partner Company, for example when the credit card held by the traveler is invalid.
    • (9) When it is found that the traveler falls under any of Items (5) through (7) of Article 7.
  2. If the traveler does not pay the Tour Fee by the date specified in the Contract Document under Article 12, Section 1, he/she shall be deemed to have cancelled the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract on the day following said date. In this case, the traveler shall pay to the Company a penalty fee equivalent to the cancellation fee specified in Section 1 of the preceding Article.
  3. When the Company intends to cancel the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract for the reasons listed in Section 1, Item 5, the Company shall notify the traveler of its intention to cancel the tour prior to the 13th day (the 3rd day for one-day trips) in the case of Domestic Travel and prior to the 23rd day (the 33rd day for Overseas Travel starting during the peak period specified in Appended Table 1) in the case of Overseas Travel, counting backward from the day before the tour commencement date.
(Rights of Cancellation: The Company – Cancellation After the Commencement of the Tour) Article 18

  1. In the following cases, the Company may cancel a part of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract after the commencement of the tour by explaining the reason to the traveler:
    • (1) When the traveler is unable to continue the tour due to illness, absence of necessary caregivers, or other reasons.
    • (2) The traveler violates the Company’s instructions given by tour guides or other persons for the safe and smooth implementation of the tour, or disturbs the discipline of group activities by assaulting or threatening other persons or other accompanying travelers, thereby preventing the safe and smooth implementation of said tour.
    • (3) When it is found that the traveler falls under any of Items (5) through (7) of Article 7.
    • (4) In the event of natural disaster, war, riot, suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., order by government authorities, or other reasons beyond the Company’s control that make it impossible to continue the tour.
  2. When the Company cancels the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract pursuant to the preceding Section, the contractual relationship between the Company and the traveler shall be terminated only prospectively. In this case, the Company’s obligation with respect to the Tour Services already provided to the traveler shall be deemed to have been effectively repaid.
  3. In the case of the preceding Section, the Company shall refund to the traveler the portion of the Tour Fee pertaining to the Tour Services that the traveler has not yet received, less the amount of cancellation fees, penalty fees, and other expenses already paid or to be paid for said Tour Services.
(Refunding of the Tour Fee) Article 19

  1. In the event that the Tour Fee has been reduced pursuant to the provisions of Article 14, Sections 3 through 5, or in the event that a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract has been cancelled pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three Articles, if there is any amount to be refunded to the traveler, the Company shall refund the amount within 7 days from the day following the cancellation in the case of refund due to cancellation before the commencement of the tour, or within 30 days from the day following the tour end date stated in the Contract Document in the case of refund due to reduction or cancellation after the commencement of the tour.
  2. If the Company has concluded a Correspondence Contract with a traveler and the Tour Fee has been reduced in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, Sections 3 through 5, or if the Correspondence Contract has been cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding 3 Articles, and if there is any amount to be refunded to the traveler, the Company shall refund such amount to the traveler in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit card of the Partner Company. In this case, the Company shall notify the traveler of the amount to be refunded within 7 days from the day following the cancellation in the case of refund due to cancellation before the commencement of the tour, or within 30 days from the day following the tour end date as stated in the Contract Document in the case of refund due to reduction or cancellation after the commencement of the tour. The date of such notice to the traveler shall be the Card Usage Date.
  3. The provisions of the preceding two Sections shall not preclude the traveler or the Company from exercising the right to claim compensation for damages as provided in Article 27 or Article 30, Section 1.
(Arrangements for Return/Repatriation after Cancellation of the Contract) Article 20

  1. When the Company cancels a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract after the commencement of the tour pursuant to Article 18, Section 1, Item 1 or 4, the Company shall, at the request of the traveler, undertake to arrange the Tour Services necessary for the traveler to return to the place of departure of said tour.
  2. In the case of the preceding Section, any and all expenses required for the trip to return to the place of departure shall be borne by the traveler.

Chapter 5: Group Tours and Group Contracts

(Group Tours and Group Contracts) Article 21
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the conclusion of a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract for which two or more persons traveling on the same itinerary at the same time have appointed a responsible representative (hereinafter referred to as the “Responsible Party”).
(The Responsible Party) Article 22

  1. Except in cases where a special agreement has been concluded, the Responsible Party shall be deemed to have the authority to act as an authorized representative for all the parties concerned in concluding the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract for the group or group of travelers (hereinafter referred to as “Group Members”), and transactions related to Tour Services for said group shall be conducted with said Responsible Party.
  2. The Responsible Party shall submit to the Company a list of the Group Members by the date specified by the Company.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any debt or obligation that the Responsible Party currently owes or may be expected to owe to the Group Members in the future.
  4. If the Responsible Party does not accompany the group, the Company will deem a Group Member appointed in advance by the Responsible Party to serve as the Responsible Party after the commencement of the tour.

Chapter 6: Itinerary Management

(Itinerary Management) Article 23
The Company shall endeavor to ensure the safe and smooth execution of tours, and shall provide the following services to travelers. However, this shall not apply in cases where the Company has concluded a special agreement with the traveler that differs from the above.

  • (1) When the traveler is deemed likely to be unable to receive Tour Services during the tour, the Company shall take necessary measures to ensure that the traveler will receive Tour Services in accordance with the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract.
  • (2) If, in spite of the measures mentioned in the preceding item, the Contents of the Contract have to be changed, arrangements for alternative services shall be made. In this case, when changing the itinerary, the Company shall endeavor to make the changed itinerary conform to the purpose of the original itinerary, and when changing the contents of the Tour Services, the Company shall endeavor to make the changed tour services similar to the original Tour Services, etc., so as to minimize the changes to the Contents of the Contract.
(Instructions Issued by the Company) Article 24
When traveling in a group from the commencement of the tour until the end of the tour, the traveler must follow the instructions of the Company for the safe and smooth implementation of the tour.
(Duties of Tour Guides, etc.) Article 25

  1. The Company may, depending on the contents of the tour, have tour guides or other persons accompany the tour to perform all or part of the services provided in each item of Article 23 and other services deemed necessary by the Company incidental to the Subscription Type Organized Tour.
  2. In principle, the hours during which tour guides and other persons shall engage in the services set forth in the same Section shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
(Protective Measures) Article 26
If a traveler on a tour is deemed to be in need of protection due to illness, injury, etc., the Company may take necessary measures. In such cases, if such measures are not due to reasons attributable to the Company, the cost of such measures shall be borne by the traveler, and the traveler shall pay such cost by the method designated by the Company by the date designated by the Company.

Chapter 7: Obligations

(Obligations of the Company) Article 27

  1. If, in the performance of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the Company or a person on whose behalf the Company has made arrangements pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 (hereinafter referred to as an “Arrangement Agent”) intentionally or negligently causes damage to the traveler, the Company shall be liable for compensation for said damage. However, this shall be limited to the case where the Company is notified of such damage within two (2) years from the day following the date of occurrence of said damage.
  2. If the traveler suffers damage due to a natural disaster, war, riot, suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., orders by government authorities, or other reasons beyond the control of the Company or its Arrangement Agent, the Company shall not be liable for compensation for such damage, except in the case of the preceding Section.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1 of this Article, with respect to damage to hand-carried luggage, the Company shall compensate up to ¥150,000 per traveler (except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company), provided that the Company is notified of said damage within 14 days in the case of Domestic Travel and within 21 days in the case of Overseas Travel, commencing on the day following the date of the occurrence of said damage.
(Special Compensation) Article 28

  1. Regardless of whether or not the Company’s liability under Section 1 of the preceding Article arises, the Company shall pay compensation and visitation money in pre-determined amounts for certain damages incurred by the traveler to his/her life, body or baggage while participating in the Subscription Type Organized Tour in accordance with the attached Rules of Special Compensation.
  2. If the Company is liable for the damages set forth in the preceding Section in accordance with the provisions of Section 1 of the preceding Article, the compensation set forth in the preceding Section to be paid by the Company shall be deemed to be such compensation for damages to the extent of the amount of compensation for damages payable based on such liability.
  3. In the case prescribed in the preceding Section, the Company’s obligation to pay compensation pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 shall be reduced by the amount equivalent to the amount of compensation for damages (including compensation deemed damages pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Section) payable by the Company pursuant to Section 1 of the preceding Article.
  4. A Subscription Type Organized Tour for a traveler who is currently participating in another Subscription Type Organized Tour arranged by the Company will be treated as part of the main Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract if the Company charges a separate Tour Fee for said Subscription Type Organized Tour.
(Itinerary Guarantee) Article 29

  1. In the event of any material changes to Contents of the Contract listed in the upper column of Appended Table 2 (except for changes listed in the following items (except for changes due to shortage of seats, rooms or other facilities of transportation or accommodation agencies, etc., even though said transportation or accommodation agencies, etc. are providing such travel services)), the Company will pay compensation in the amount equal to or more than the amount of the Tour Fee multiplied by the rate shown in the lower column of Appended Table 2 within 30 days from the day following the tour end date. However, this shall not apply if it is clear that the Company is liable for the said changes in accordance with the provisions of Article 27, Section 1.
    • (1) Changes due to the following reasons:
      1. Natural disasters
      2. War
      3. Riots
      4. Orders by government authorities
      5. Suspension of Tour Services provided by transportation or accommodation agencies, etc.
      6. Provision of transportation services not in accordance with the original operation plan
      7. Necessary measures to ensure the safety of the life or body of tour participants
    • (2) In the event that a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract is cancelled pursuant to the provisions of Articles 16 through 18, changes pertaining to the cancelled portion
  2. The amount of compensation for changes to be paid by the Company shall be limited to the amount obtained by multiplying the Tour Fee by the rate determined by the Company, which shall be not less than 15% for each Subscription Type Organized Tour for one (1) traveler. If the amount of the compensation for change payable to one traveler for each Subscription Type Organized Tour is less than one thousand (1,000) yen, the Company shall not pay the compensation for change.
  3. If, after the Company has paid compensation for a change pursuant to Section 1, it becomes clear that the Company is liable for said change pursuant to Article 27, Section 1, the traveler must return the compensation for said change to the Company. In this case, the Company will pay the remaining amount after offsetting the amount of compensation for damages to be paid by the Company pursuant to the provisions of the same Section against the amount of compensation for change to be returned by the traveler.
(Obligations of the Traveler) Article 30

  1. If the Company suffers any damage due to an intentional or negligent act of the traveler, said traveler shall compensate the Company for the damage.
  2. When concluding a Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract, the traveler shall make use of the information provided by the Company and endeavor to understand the rights and obligations of the traveler and other contents of the Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract.
  3. In order to smoothly receive the Tour Services as described in the Contract Document, after the commencement of the tour, if the traveler recognizes that the traveler has been provided with Tour Services that differ from those described in the Contract Document, the traveler shall immediately notify the Company, the Company’s Arrangement Agent, or the relevant service provider thereof at the tour site.

Chapter 8: Business Deposit

(Business Deposit) Article 31

  1. The traveler or Group Member(s) who has concluded an Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract with the Company may receive reimbursement from the business security deposit deposited by the Company under the provisions of Article 7, Section 1 of the Travel Agency Act with respect to claims arising from such transactions.
  2. The name and location where the Company holds its business security deposit is as follows:
    • (1) Name: Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau
    • (2) Address: 1-1-15 Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Appended Table 1 Cancellation Fees
(Re: Article 16, Section 1)

1. Cancellation Fees for Domestic Travel
Classification Cancellation Fees
  • (1) Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract other than the following Section and Section 3
(a) In the event of cancellation on or after the 20th day (the 10th day in the case of a one-day trip) counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (b) through (e)) Up to 20% of the Tour Fee
(b) In the event of cancellation on or after the 7th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (c) through (e)) Up to 30% of the Tour Fee
(c) In the event of cancellation on the day before the tour commencement date Up to 40% of the Tour Fee
(d) In the event of cancellation on the day of the commencement of the tour (excluding the cases listed in (e)) Up to 50% of the Tour Fee
(e) In the event of cancellation or no-show after the commencement of the tour Up to 100% of the Tour Fee
  • (2) A Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract using an airline ticket with the same terms and conditions as those of a ticket sold widely by an airline company to consumers through its website, etc., and in which the Contract Document clearly indicates that said tickets will be used, the name of the airline company, and the conditions of cancellation, penalty, refund and any other costs required to cancel the contract of air transportation (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc.”) as provided by the company (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Airline Ticket Cancellation Conditions”) and the amount thereof (excluding the travel contract listed in the following Section)
(a) In the event of cancellation after the conclusion of the tour contract (excluding the cases listed in (b) through (f)) Up to the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc., in the event that the Airline Ticket Cancellation Conditions are applied at the time of cancellation of the tour contract (hereinafter referred to as “Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract”)
(b) In the event of cancellation on or after the 20th day (the 10th day in the case of a one-day trip) counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (c) through (f) above) Up to 20% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(c) In the event of cancellation on or after the 7th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (d) through (f)) Up to 30% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(d) In the event of cancellation on the day before the tour commencement date Up to 40% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(e) In the event of cancellation on the day of the commencement of the tour (excluding the cases listed in (f)) Up to 50% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(f) In the event of cancellation or no-show after the commencement of the tour Up to 100% of the Tour Fee
  • (3) Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract using chartered vessels
The cancellation fee shall be in accordance with the provisions of the cancellation fee for the vessel in question.

(1) The amount of the cancellation fee will be clearly indicated in the Contract Document.
(2) For the purpose of application of this Table, “after the commencement of the tour” means after “the time when (a traveler) starts receiving the provision of services” as provided in Article 2, Section 3 of the attached Special Compensation Regulations.
(3) In the case of Section 2, if no Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. is payable by us to the airline company with respect to the relevant ticket, the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract shall be treated as no charge, and if the airline company reduces the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc., the reduced amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. shall be treated as the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract.

2. Cancellation Fees for Overseas Travel
Classification Cancellation Fees
  • (1) A Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract that uses an aircraft at the time of departure from or return to Japan (excluding the tour contracts listed in the following Sections 2 through 4)
(a) In the case of a trip whose commencement date is during the peak period and the cancellation is made on or after the 40th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (b) through (d)) Up to 10% of the Tour Fee
(b) In the event of cancellation on or after the 30th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (c) and (d)) Up to 20% of the Tour Fee
(c) In the event of cancellation on or after two days prior to the tour commencement date (except for the cases listed in (d)) Up to 50% of the Tour Fee
(d) In the event of cancellation or no-show after the commencement of the tour Up to 100% of the Tour Fee
  • (2) A Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract using, at the time of departure from or return to Japan, an airline ticket with the same terms and conditions as those of a ticket sold widely by an airline company to consumers through its website, etc., and in which the Contract Document clearly indicates that the said ticket will be used, the name of the airline company, the Airline Ticket Cancellation Conditions and the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. (excluding the tour contract listed in the following Section)
(a) In the event of cancellation after the conclusion of the tour contract (excluding the cases listed in (b) through (e)) Within the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract
(b) In the case of a trip whose commencement date is during the peak period and the cancellation is made on or after the 40th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (c) through (e)) Up to 10% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(c) In the event of cancellation on or after the 30th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (d) and (e)) Up to 20% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(d) In the event of cancellation on or after two days prior to the tour commencement date (except for the cases listed in (e)) Up to 50% of the Tour Fee or the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract, whichever is greater
(e) In the event of cancellation or no-show after the commencement of the tour Up to 100% of the Tour Fee
  • (3) Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract using chartered aircrafts
(a) In the event of cancellation on or after the 90th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (b) through (d)) Up to 20% of the Tour Fee
(b) In the event of cancellation on or after the 30th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (c) and (d)) Up to 50% of the Tour Fee
(c) In the event of cancellation on or after the 20th day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date (excluding the cases listed in (d)) Up to 80% of the Tour Fee
(d) In the event of cancellation or no-show on or after the third day counting back from the day before the tour commencement date Up to 100% of the Tour Fee
  • (4) A Subscription Type Organized Tour Contract using a ship at the time of departure from and return to Japan
The cancellation fee shall be in accordance with the provisions of the cancellation fee for the vessel in question.

“Peak period” means from December 20 to January 7, from April 27 to May 6, and from July 20 to August 31.

(1) The amount of the cancellation fee will be clearly indicated in the Contract Document.
(2) For the purpose of application of this Table, “after the commencement of the tour” means after “the time when (a traveler) starts receiving the provision of services” as provided in Article 2, Section 3 of the attached Special Compensation Regulations.
(3) In the case of Section 2, if no Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. is payable by us to the airline company with respect to the relevant ticket, the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract shall be treated as no charge, and if the airline company reduces the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc., the reduced amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. shall be treated as the amount of the Airline Ticket Cancellation Fees, etc. at the Time of Cancellation of the Tour Contract.

Appended Table 2: Compensation for Changes
(Re: Article 30, Section 1)

Changes requiring payment of compensation Rate per case (%)
Before the commencement of the tour After the commencement of the tour
1 Change of the tour commencement date or tour end date specified in the Contract Document 1.5 3.0
2 Changes to sightseeing spots or facilities (including restaurants) to be entered that are described in the Contract Document and any other destinations of the tour 1.0 2.0
3 Change of the class of transportation agencies or facilities stated in the Contract Document to a lower class of transportation agencies or facilities (only if the total charges for the class or facilities after the change is lower than the class or facilities stated in the Contract Document) 1.0 2.0
4 Change in the type of transportation agencies or the name of the company stated in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
5 Change to a flight to a different airport within Japan from the airport at which the tour starts or ends as stated in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
6 Change of flight from a direct flight to a connecting flight or an indirect flight between Japan and another country as stated in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
7 Change in the type or name of accommodation agencies stated in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
8 Changes in the type of rooms, facilities, scenery, or other room conditions of the accommodation agencies stated in the Contract Document 1.0 2.0
9 Among the changes listed in each of the preceding items, a change in the matters described in the tour title of the Contract Document 2.5 5.0

Note 1: “Before the commencement of the tour” means that the change is notified to the traveler at least one day before the commencement of the tour, and “After the commencement of the tour” means that the change is notified to the traveler on or after the day of the commencement of the tour.

Note 2: If a Finalized Document has been issued, the term “Contract Document” shall be deemed to be replaced with “Finalized Document” and this Table shall apply. In this case, if there is any change between the contents of the Contract Document and the contents of the Finalized Document or between the contents of the Finalized Document and the contents of the Tour Services actually provided, each change shall be treated as a single case.

Note 3: In the event that the transportation agency pertaining to a change listed in item (3) or (4) involves the use of accommodation facilities, such change shall be treated as one per night.

Note 4: This Table shall not apply to the change in the name of the company of the transportation agency listed in item (4) when it involves a change to a higher grade or better equipment.

Note 5: Even if multiple changes listed in item (4) or (7) or (8) occur within one boarding or overnight stay, they will be treated as one change per boarding or overnight stay.

Note 6: For changes listed in item (9), the rates in items (1) through (8) shall not apply, and the rates in item (9) shall apply.